This Sunday we will go to Taipei for the last volley game.
Let's let them know what the AAAAAAAAASS is, girls!!! ((((熱血沸騰
Phynics!! =)
抱歉了寶貝們,我要丟下妳們的籃球隊去找我的first love了!
Badminton & Ms. Borton 我來了!((大心
This Sunday we will go to Taipei for the last volley game.
Let's let them know what the AAAAAAAAASS is, girls!!! ((((熱血沸騰
Phynics!! =)
抱歉了寶貝們,我要丟下妳們的籃球隊去找我的first love了!
Badminton & Ms. Borton 我來了!((大心